Every time I see a hydrangea bloom I think of the wonderful day trips to the islands off the Rhode Island coast. Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket and Block Island (lovingly referred to as "Block" by the islanders) are home to some of the most spectacular hydrangea displays I've ever seen. Quite often they are a backdrop for bright white picket fences. They nestle there with those beautiful coastal sea roses, that climb where they may. Hardiness is one of their most remarkable characteristics. They stoically withstand the harsh New England winters and flourish again the next year. In amazement, I look at this delicate flower and I think about the people who planted these gems and tempered these difficult winters.
Flashing Primaries is an oil painting done on canvas paper. I love the primary colors. So much diversity with only three colors...the basis for it all. Life is so simple, why complicate it.
Softly swaying, this lone palm caught my attention. Have I ever walked down this pathway before? The sand is so soft and deep. It appears I'm the first to travel this path in a while, there are no prints before mine. The atmosphere has a misty quality, almost as though a gentle rain is about to burst from the Heavens. Finding this pathway...pure joy!12"x16" Oil on Canvas 7"x5" Oil on Canvas/Available $50.00 Click HERE to purchase. Visit http://anniestmartinartist.comto view more of my work.